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3 Steps to Establish Your Construction Insurance Expertise
Guide 3 min read

Strengthen your construction industry knowledge and grow your business with this helpful guide.

5 Insights About Insuring Rental Homes for Landlords
Guide 3 min read

Take a closer look at rental home coverage and the top concerns about landlord insurance.

Business Income and Extra Expense Endorsements Explained
Guide 5 min read

Learn the basics about this coverage endorsement for business owners with new construction or remodeling plans.

Builders Risk Game Plan: 7 Tactics to Sell to Personal Lines Clients
Guide 4 min read

Get ideas to create cross-selling opportunities with homeowners with new construction or remodeling plans.

Builders Risk Coverage Comparison Checklist
Checklist 2 min read

Examine how competitors stack up to Zurich’s course of construction policy and its benefits.

Builders Risk News Roundup: August 2021

For this month's edition of our Product News Roundup, check out these three builders risk insurance highlights to help you sell and service…

Eligible Clients and Projects

Who buys builders risk insurance? Almost every client with a financial interest in a completed construction project is eligible to purchase a builders risk insurance policy.…

Home Remodeling Insurance to Age in Place | US Assure

When you’re searching for ideas to boost your builders risk revenue, reassessing your current existing personal lines client base can be helpful. As time passes, the demographics…

Builders Risk Insurance Isn't Just for New Construction | US Assure

Most owners and contractors involved in commercial and residential new construction projects are familiar with builders risk coverage to insure against the risk of property loss. However, builders…

Why Pitch Premises Liability with Builders Risk Insurance | US Assure

“When is the right time to pitch premises liability with builders risk insurance?” Given how unique construction projects, property ownership and the parties involved can be, that’s not…

Soft Cost Coverage for Unexpected Expenses | US Assure

Have you considered the financial implications to construction clients caused by unexpected disasters?  Many agents and their clients are familiar with soft cost coverage for commercial…

Why Choose 12-Month Builders Risk Policy for New Home | US Assure

Short-term builders risk insurance for new home building is a buzzword we aren’t overlooking. No one expects construction delays, but let’s face it: too…

Builders Risk News Roundup: March 2023 | US Assure

1) Modular vs. Manufactured Construction Modular home construction, which consists of pieces or sections that are created in a warehouse and assembled at the building site, are eligible…

10 Commercial Builders Risk Projects Agents Insured | US Assure

When you think of commercial construction projects that can be insured by course of construction insurance like the Builders Risk Plan insured by Zurich, the images that…
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