Search results for "issue a policy"

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Builders Risk Policy Issuance System Demo
Video 6 min

Discover how simple it is to quote, issue and manage Zurich builders risk policies online.

2-Minute Snapshot: The Online Builders Risk Policy Issuance Experience
Video 2 min

Learn how fast and easy you can quote and issue with the Builders Risk Plan insured by Zurich.

5 Factors that Influence Builders Risk Insurance Cost
Guide 5 min read

Get an underwriting perspective about policy cost and how to identify components that could impact premium.

5 Steps for Builders Risk Reporting Form Accuracy
Guide 3 min read

Leverage these policy tips to help ensure your homebuilder is covered should a loss occur.

Common Builders Risk Claim Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)
Tip Sheet

Use these underwriting tips to dodge everyday errors when you issue your next policy.

Who Pays for Builders Risk Insurance Policies | US Assure

On a daily basis, most people pass by at least one area in which construction projects are taking place. And where there are construction projects in the works, more…

Why Choose 12-Month Builders Risk Policy for New Home | US Assure

Short-term builders risk insurance for new home building is a buzzword we aren’t overlooking. No one expects construction delays, but let’s face it: too many…

Zurich Builders Risk Inflation Guard | US Assure

After receiving feedback from our distribution partners, reviewing with our Distributor Advisory Council and evaluating how the increasing cost of building materials continues to impact…

Builders Risk Insurance Highlights | July 2022 | US Assure

For this month's edition of our Product News Roundup, check out the these noteworthy tips to help you sell and service construction clients with…

Builders Risk News Roundup: January 2023 | US Assure

1) Change Order Contract upgrades during new construction or remodeling often increase the total completed value but go unreported, resulting in an underinsured project. Our change order…

3 Scenarios to Help You Cover Projects in Progress | US Assure

“But, we already started construction. You mean you CAN cover that?” A client looks at you skeptically, but with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Being…

12 Builders Risk Insurance Endorsements Explained | US Assure

Course of construction disasters are devastating, but the implications are even worse when the right builders risk coverage wasn’t secured. The most effective way to…

Why Builders Risk Insurance Applications Go On Hold | US Assure

If you’ve ever submitted a client’s project for coverage through the Builders Risk Plan insured by Zurich and had the account go on…
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