Builders Risk News Roundup: August 2023

August 1, 2023

Through US Assure, you have access to policies that often complement the needs of your builders risk insurance clients. Check out these instructions to service them in the most efficient way.

1) Billing Information

Questions regarding an invoice, payment or refund should be directed to J.H. Ferguson’s Billing department at (800) 310 – 3351 or

Payments can be made online at or mailed to J.H. Ferguson and Associates at P.O. Box 206584, Dallas, TX 75320 - 6584.

2) Cancellation Requests

Cancellation requests must be emailed directly to US Assure at

3) Active Policy Endorsements

To amend a policy, log in to Click the Start Application / Manage Policy link found in the left navigation. Next, locate the policy by using the search feature, and click the Vacant link found in the returned results. Then, find the Transaction Type drop-down window and select Endorse. Lasty, complete the required information. You will be prompted to issue the endorsement or submit for additional underwriting review.

See you next month when we deliver another roundup of product news. Until then, you can find more training tools for you and your team in our resource center.

This is intended as a general description of certain types of insurance and services available to qualified customers. Any description of policy provisions is meant to give a broad overview of coverages and does not revise or amend a policy. Refer to the policy coverage form for a complete representation of the scope of coverage, terms, conditions, exclusions and more. The policy is the contract that specifically and fully describes your coverage. Some products may not be available in all states and may only be offered on a non-admitted basis. Product availability is subject to change.

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