Getting Started
The Best 101 Guide for Builders Risk Insurance

Get a comprehensive overview of the basics, including coverages, policy types and more.

Download now 10 min read
Featured From Groundbreaking To Remodeling 101 Guide
An Agent's Guide to Pursuing the Right Builders Risk Partner: 9 Factors for Success
Guide 13 min read

Find out what you can't go without when selecting a provider.

5 Factors that Influence Builders Risk Insurance Cost
Guide 5 min read

Get an underwriting perspective about policy cost and how to identify components that could impact premium.

How to Find the Right Builders Risk Policy
Guide 3 min read

Learn how to select the best policy for your client and their project.

Builders Risk Insurance Glossary

Get an understanding of key terms and concepts associated with course of construction and the Builders Risk Plan insured by Zurich.

Ready to become an agent?
Here's what you'll need.
  • Individual license number(s)
  • Agency license number(s)
  • Federal tax identification (FEIN), business or social security number
  • Errors & Omissions policy information
Become An Agent

More Resources

Appetite Guide: Builders Risk Plan Insured by Zurich
Guide 1 min read

Explore scope of coverage, underwriting considerations, project eligibility and more to get you started.

Builders Risk Coverage Summary by Policy Type
Guide 2 min read

Get a complete list of optional coverages available for various policy types and values.

Builders Risk Application Checklist
Checklist 1 min read

Learn what basic information you’ll need to gather before submitting an application online.

Builders Risk Application Tips
Tip Sheet 4 min read

Leverage these pointers to help ensure your submission for any application is correct.

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