Builders Risk News Roundup: July 2022

July 4, 2022

For this month's edition of our Product News Roundup, check out the these noteworthy tips to help you sell and service construction clients with confidence.

Confirm the Total Completed Value

Schedule a checkpoint with your client during the policy term to ensure the total completed value (TCV) is still correct. Rise in material costs or contract change orders are just two factors that could alter the project value. If the TCV has increased, you can endorse the policy through the channel it was issued.

Know Percentage Deductible Calculations    

The 40471-coverage form (projects valued under $10M) deductible is calculated on total completed value. The 40660-coverage form (generally projects valued over $10M) deductible is calculated on the values at risk at the time of the loss.

Identify Percentage Complete   

Any project over 30% complete at the time of submission will require additional underwriting review. You can calculate the percentage complete by dividing the amount spent to-date by the total completed value.

More Application Tips >

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See you next month when we deliver with another roundup of product news. Until then, you can leverage our resource center to boost your knowledge even more.

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