Credit Cards Now Accepted for Builders Risk Policy Payments
Cross us off the naughty list because your wish is coming true. Just before the jolly guy flies around the world, we’ve launched a credit card payment option for your construction clients.
We now accept credit card payments (Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AmericanExpress) for builders risk and contractors equipment insurance policies. You can pay on behalf of your client at the time of issuance, or they can submit it through our electronic bill payment portal. And, there’s no additional fee!
That’s not all. Our elves tinkered with our billing and commission payment portals to eliminate even more pain points. You and your clients will find improved design, functionality and browser compatibility, including:
- Policy and premium payment information available in real time (when paid electronically)
- No flash required to access the website
- Mobile responsive web pages
Now that our site upgrade is complete, be sure to update your agency records with the website addresses for each portal:
Agency billing and commission payment portal: agent.usassure.com
Policyholder electronic bill payment portal: bill.usassure.com
Additionally, if you have an existing account with our agency billing and commission payment portal, you’ll need to change your password the next time you access it.
All we want is a magical experience for you, and we’re finding innovative ways to deliver it today and into the new year.
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View moreOn Friday, February 14, US Assure's office and virtual working operations will close at 6:00 p.m. Eastern time in observance of President's Day.
US Assure has earned Zurich’s Pinnacle Award for the third consecutive year and is the only program administrator to receive the honor every year since its inception.